Text design is all about hierarchy
Text design is all about hierarchy
Visual hierarchy is the way elements are arranged in a design to show their importance. The order in which the elements are presented help to tell the story, convey the message, and set a mood.
Understanding a text is an essential step that guides designing its layout.
A graphic designer identifies and prioritizes the most important information. Often the designer needs to rearrange the text.
The end result is a text with a hierarchy that guides readers smoothly through the content. This approach ensures the message is clear and easy to digest.
Example image of design hierarchy
A clear hierarchy makes a text scannable and readable.
Tekst met een duidelijke hiearchie.
A clear hierarchy makes a text scannable and readable.
Een tekst ontwerp met een onduidelijke hiërarchie.
A text design with no hierachy offers the reader no guidance (decreased scannability and increased freedom)
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